Hospital Pricing
Barton Health provides pricing information in order to help patients and their families make informed health care decisions before they have a procedure.
This pricing information is intended to provide basic, Barton Memorial Hospital-specific pricing information about charges for services provided for hospital visits. This pricing does not include physicians' fees from your surgeon, anesthesiologist, radiologist, pathologist, emergency room physician or any physician office, clinic or urgent care visit. These providers will have separate charges for their services which must be obtained separately.
California hospital charges are a function of reimbursement rates from insurance companies. Hospitals are not paid these charges; they are paid significantly less based on contracted reimbursement rates (this can range between 10-60 cents on the dollar based on type of insurance). In other industries, charges are more similar to what hospitals call reimbursement rates.
This information is based on the average hospital charge for a specific service, and does not reflect what you will see on your bill or what you will pay for your health care services at Barton Memorial Hospital. Your actual amount due will be based on your insurance benefits and current benefit usage or, if you are not insured, our financial assistance program will provide discounts up to 100% of your hospital bill.
You may contact your insurance company to determine your specific benefits based upon your insurance policy, or call 775.364.1475 for an out-of-pocket estimate from a Barton Health Estimate Specialist (our Estimate Specialist will also need to reference your insurance benefits and usage to best determine what your out-of-pocket amount will be).
By accessing the pricing information displayed on this website via the pricing document, you are indicating you understand the limitations of these sample charges.
If you have any questions about your Barton Health bills or financial assistance, please call 530.543.5930.